Tongue In Cheek

Tongue in cheek rendition of the Western mentality of Jesus’ last words recorded in the book of Matthew, known as the Great Commission…

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and build massive churches that are inclusive for only the elite in your community, baptizing (and re-baptizing) them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit for your attendance numbers to look great at the end of the year, teaching (and commanding) them to observe your particular church as the only TRUE denomination, and behold I am with you always, unless your church splits, or your preacher moves away, or you get a divorce, or begin to question or doubt your faith or denomination in any way… then I am no longer with you” Continue reading

April Update

Hi Friends!

Its been a while since I have updated. Hoping to get into a better habit of blogging for you all! This will be the main way we share and connect while we are out of the country and we want to be consistent in doing so! We love you all and are so deeply grateful you have chosen to walk with us in this journey. It is not only our journey with Jesus, but we are all in this life, on this journey together. It excites me to think about!! There is much to share so I will get started. 🙂  Continue reading